Developing Wellness Therapy Group * 321 Herbertsville Road, First Floor, Brick NJ 08724
Call/Text 732-451-4944 * Email:
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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Natalie is an advocate for a mental health paradigm shift from the idea that people need to be on daily psychiatric medications for the rest of their lives.
With an active lifestyle, including healthy, balanced nutrition, along with periods of fasting, natural supplements, daily sun, fresh air, clean water, physical and mental exercise, daily prayer and meditation,
along with supportive relationships and with having a balanced work and recreation commitments,
our minds, bodies and spirits are able to strengthen and heal themselves.
Natalie is a 2023 graduate of a yearlong educational training and experiential learning certification program with Integrative Psychiatry Institute as a Certified Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy Provider.
Natalie has been working with ketamine with Clients since May 2023.
She supports the therapeutic use of psychedelic medication due to its high potential
to benefit Clients with minimal and infrequent use of the medication itself.
*Natalie does not advocate for misuse and abuse of psychedelic substances and is aware that these substances can lead to mental, emotional and physical harm if not used appropriately. *
"One of the big reasons why I decided to go into psychedelic work, and I was hesitant at first, is because of my knowledge and understanding of the caution this kind of treatment needs, and to do right by it," -Natalie Siwiec.
"Many people can benefit from having just 1 psychedelic experience in their life. My intention with becoming a psychedelic assisted therapist is to help Clients utilize the altered state of consciousness as a guide to a deeper understanding of what is held in their subconscious mind. We access the subconscious with the intention of understanding new perspectives with our experiences, in turn finding meaning in Life.
My intention is also with Clients to utilize psychedelic medication as a tool to ween down and get off of their psychiatric medications completely and successfully.
I'm currently accepting Clients who are interested in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with the intention of treating a specific mental health concern, alcohol or other drug addiction, or those who are open to using the psychedelic experience as a guide to the subconscious with a psychospiritual purpose," -Natalie Siwiec
Among the pioneers of professionals in NJ to become certified as a Psychedelic Assisted Therapist,
Natalie takes this work with great passion, enthusiasm and caution.
She follows a strict protocol for accepting Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) Clients.
Natalie will utilize KAP treatment with Clients that have been consistent with weekly psychotherapy for "x amount of time" (determination will be on an individual case-by-case basis), and determined eligible by the prescribing physician for KAP to be considered an appropriate treatment.
This will allow her the time to coordinate with the medical prescriber, and have the opportunity to assess mental health concerns, elements of personality that may affect the altered state of consciousness experience, and substance abuse history along with drug seeking behaviors.
Natalie only offers KAP for in-person individual or couples sessions.